Who we are...

Who we are...
photography by http://www.leannavite.com/
charmed by choice, the blog has been a long thoughtful walk through choices. Ultimately, choices to be resilient.
Our family is one of the thousands of real life examples from this recession ...
we have experienced jobloss, mounting debt, property depreciation....
After spending some time hovering in the freak out mode...we have decided there is a choice to be made.
We can choose to stare at all that's challenging us,
or search and concentrate on all the incredible examples of resiliency.
Come along and be amazed at how many people live resiliently...
recovering finacially, emotionally, physically, spiritually...
We've all been told not to stare... but I invite you to stare at all that's resilient.
Let's be inspired and inspire each other.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Does it make a difference?

we are more alike than we are different
inside everyone a desire exists to connect with what is true and pure
giving to others is far more satisfying than receiving
being blessed is an opportunity to be a blessing
change is possible through the realization that change is possible
every choice has an impact

I've been a mission seeking and finding examples of resiliency and the amazing impact everyday choices have not only on ourselves but, on  those around us.
It's such a simple concept and generally not deemed as any kind of monumental statement.
But I believe it is monumental
 living as much as possible, in that realization that with every choice we make,
we make an impact, we can change our lives and the lives of those around us.

The Power of One video
isn't shared by me to promote one cause over another or one strategy over another.
 I share it because I need to be reminded and hope to inspire others that there is power in one.
 Each choice we make does have an impact. 
 Put passion into your decision making~
 you can make a difference for yourself and what you care about.

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